
Some Differences in Nutritional Habits between Males and Females in the Republic of Slovenia

Verena Koch1,* and Dražigost Pokorn2

Department of Chemistry, Biology and Home Economics, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Kardeljeva ploščad 16, Sl-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

2Institute of Hygiene, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Zaloška 4, Sl-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Article history:

Received April 8, 1998
Accepted February 15, 1999

Key words:

nutrition, nutrition habits, adults, male, female


In the study, we assessed the quality of food and some nutrition habits using the Food Frequency Questionnaire and some additional questions on nutrition habits. The sample included 954 males and 1229 females (between 18 and 65 years of age) from the whole territory of Slovenia. The Microdiet Version 9 computer program was used to determine the quantity of proteins, carbohydrates, total fats, saturated fats and alcohol in the average daily diet. Besides nutrition habits (number of servings, frequency of consuming some foods), risk factors such as physical activity, percentage of smokers, body mass index (BMI) were taken into consideration. The difference between sexes was analyzed by the statistical methods (chi-square and one-way analysis of variance). With respect to the average daily food intake, the results show that both males and females consume too much total fats and saturated fats, and not enough carbohydrates. The differences between the sexes were found in the mean quantity of consumed alcohol, in the intake of fruits, vegetables, meat and meat products, as well as in the frequency of regular supper intake. The results suggest the possibility of relating food with specific mortality rates and life expectancy for males and females in the Republic of Slovenia.

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