
Antioxidant Activities of Total Pigment Extract from Blackberries

Zhonggao Jiao*, Jiechao Liu and Sixin Wang

Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute, The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 450009 Zhengzhou, Henan, P. R. China

Article history:

Received July 19, 2004
Accepted November 22, 2004

Key words:

antioxidant, blackberry, hydroxyl radical, nitrite, pigment, scavenging effect, superoxide anion radical


Total pigment has been extracted from blackberries and its antioxidant activity against lipid peroxidation and scavenging capacities towards superoxide anion radicals, hydroxyl radicals and nitrite in different in vitro systems have been investigated. The total pigment extract from blackberries (TPEB) exhibited strong antioxidant activity against lipid peroxidation in a linoleic acid model system and scavenging capacities towards superoxide anion radicals, generated by a pyrogallol autoxidation system or by an illuminating riboflavin system, hydroxyl radicals generated by Fenton reaction, and nitrite. Furthermore, the antioxidant activities were correlated with the concentrations of the TPEB. In the test concentration range, the maximum inhibition percentage against linoleic acid peroxidation was 98.32 % after one week’s incubation, and the maximum scavenging percentages for the free radicals and nitrite inhibition in the above reactive systems reached 90.48, 96.48, 93.58 and 98.94 %, respectively. The TPEB is a natural, edible colorant with excellent antioxidant activities and health benefits and it seems to be applicable in both healthy food and medicine.

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