
The Relationship Between Protein Fractions of Wheat Gluten and the Quality of Ring-Shaped Rolls Evaluated by the Echolocation Method

Lina Jakubauskiene1* and Grazina Juodeikiene2

Kaunas University of Technology, Food Institute, Taikos pr. 92, LT-51180 Kaunas, Lithuania

2Kaunas University of Technology, Department of Food Technology, Radvilenu st. 19, LT-50270 Kaunas, Lithuania

Article history:

Received September 8, 2004
Accepted June 28, 2005

Key words:

wheat flour quality parameters, gluten fractions, ring-shaped rolls, swelling and sensory analysis, echolocation method


This paper presents the results of the relationship between separate protein fractions and the quality of baked ring-shaped rolls. The qualitative and quantitative protein composition of flour derived from some wheat varieties grown in Lithuania has been determined. The protein properties are evaluated by SDS-PAGE. A new method of the analysis of swelling, based on the principle of echolocation, has been used to determine the quality of this specific kind of baked goods. For the application of this method the wheat flour, which is most suitable for the production of ring-shaped rolls, made from the wheat variety Portal (Pasvalys PVRS), has been selected. This flour has the following quality parameters: proteins 10.5 %, gluten 22.0 %, gluten index 47 r.u. Correlation between the flour quality parameters and the quality of the final bread product shows that γ-gliadins (r=–0.63), LMM glutenins (r=0.55), HMM glutenins (r=0.63) and the content of gluten (r=0.87) have the greatest influence on the quality of the ring-shaped rolls.

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