Yeasts and Yeast-like Organisms Occurring in the River Morava
Elena Sláviková, Renáta Vadkertiová
Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 842 38 Bratislava, Slovakia
Article history:
Received September 10, 1997
Accepted November 28, 1997
Key words:
river water, seasonal occurrence, ascomycetous and basidiornycetous yeasts
One hundred and sixty seven yeast strains belonging to 27 species were isolated from 57 water samples of the river Morava of the Slovak Republic taken during one year. Sporobolomyces roseus, Candida maltosa, and Aureobasidium pullulans were found to be the most frequent species, from nearly 50% of all samples, and together with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rhodotoruia glutinis, Cystofilobasidium capitatum, and Cryptococcus laurentii represented more than 80% of the total yeast population. Yeast densities of the river water ranged from 100-37,800 CFU per litre. The highest yeast population density ivas observed in samples taken in April, when Sacch. cerevisiae, Cr. laurentii and Cys. capitatum occurred the most frequently. The yeast community was characterized by a broad assimilation activity, with the xylose, cellobiose, and trehalose, which are widespread in nature, being assimilated by nearly 90% of population.
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