New Biocatalyst with Multiple Enzymatic Activities for Treatment of Complex Food Wastewaters
Elena Efremenko1*, Olga Senko1, Dinara Zubaerova1, Elena Podorozhko2 and Vladimir Lozinsky2
1Chemical Enzymology Department, Chemistry Faculty, The M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Lenin’s Hills 1/11, RU-119991 Moscow, Russia
2The A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vavilov St. 28, RU-119991 Moscow, Russia
Article history:
Received July 28, 2006
Accepted August 28, 2007
Key words:
immobilized fungus cells, polyvinyl alcohol cryogel, wastewater treatment
The cells of filamentous fungus R. oryzae entrapped in the polyvinyl alcohol cryogel are capable of producing various extracellular hydrolytic enzymes (proteases, amylases, lipases) and are used for the treatment of complex wastewaters of food industry. Five types of media simulating the wastewater of various food enterprises were treated under batch conditions for 600 h. Fats containing mostly residues of unsaturated fatty acids, as well as casein, glucose, sucrose, starch, soybean flour and various salts were the main components of the treated wastewaters. The immobilized cells concurrently possessed lipolytic, amylolytic and proteolytic activities. The level of each enzymatic activity depended on the wastewater content. The physiological state of immobilized cells was monitored by bioluminescent method. The intracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentration determined in the granules with immobilized cells was high enough and almost constant for all the period of biocatalyst application confirming thereby the active metabolic state of the cells. The study of mechanical strength of biocatalyst granules allowed revealing the differences in the values of modulus of biocatalyst elasticity at the beginning and at the end of its use for the wastewater treatment. The decrease in chemical oxygen demand of the tested media after their processing by immobilized biocatalyst was 68–79 % for one working cycle.
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